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General knowledge quiz
The average annual salary in 1970 was approximately how much per year?
Seals belong to what marine mammal group, which means "fin-footed"?
What is the modern-day legacy of the Ancient Greek Pheidippides?
Who sang the famous song Contigo (1989)?
Who had the hit 60's song "Lightnin' Strikes" on MGM Records?
How many yards is the penalty in the NFL for clipping?
Who sang the famous song esta luz nunca se apagara (1992)?
Zoosafari Fasanolandia is an animal attraction and theme park founded in 1973 in Fasano. Which Mediterranean country is it located?
The Jacobite army was heavily defeated at Culloden in 1746 by King George IIs army. Who led the Jacobite forces?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.
Very hard geography quiz, can you get more than 5 correct?
General knowledge quiz