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Everybody likes music, but how much do you know about it?
How many records are selected by each castaway on Desert Island Discs?
What performance artist helped mold Lady Gaga's unique stage presence?
The Marley family sued what cell phone company in 2007 for selling unreleased ringtones of Bob Marley's music?
John Cage's controversial composition '4'33' only consists of one thing. What?
What kind of shop features in the music video for Drake's song 'Started from the Bottom'?
During what decade was New Order's song 'Blue Monday' released?
What band did the "I Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die Rag" at Woodstock?
What is the correct title of a 2013 Maroon 5 hit?
Which female artist debut album was called Tuesday Night Music Club?
In 1998, who won the Best R&B Song Grammy for "I Believe I Can Fly"?
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