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Do you remember the 50s?
Which German city follows "Eintracht" in the name of a successful German side?
The Oxford Vs Cambridge boat race celebrated which anniversary in 1954?
Which ground breaking R&B group included James Brown and Bobby Byrd?
Which decorating invention hit the market in 1953?
During the 1956 Suez Crisis, the UK, Israel and which other country made plans to invade Egypt?
Popularised by Elvis Presley, who sung the original version of Hound Dog in 1953?
In which Californian city did Marilyn Monrow marry Joe Di Maggio in 1954?
What is the brand name for the non-stick coating also known as PTFE?
Where is Elizabeth Taylor's character at the start of the movie Suddenly Last Summer?
What was the name of the GI action figure toy, aimed at 1950s boys?
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